herogra, Bio stimulants

Calcium, zinc and boron formulation in ethanolamine form, which easily penetrates by foliar and root.

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Natural enhancer of the fruiting stage through potassium, vegetable origin amino acids and nitrogen.

Stages of application :
- Fruiting
- Ripening

Specialty fertilizer product that works as a cell wall strengthener, enzymatic activator and natural osmoregulator for the plant. Its particular composition based on a high concentration of potassium and enriched with silicon achieves a synergistic effect among both compounds taking advantage of all its beneficial properties for the crop. 

Insurer of a uniformity and coloring of the fruits enhancing its quality, with activator of reserve substances.


Powerful biostimulant through high quality peptides and complex amino acids.

Enhance the reaction against multiple stress conditions.

Recover the strength of weakened crops.

Accelerate the vitality of the crop in all its stages.
Mixture of micronutrients complexed by AHG, in a balance specially studied for the preventive control and healing of multiple deficiency states.

Powerful biostimulant and natural regulator of plant metabolism based on pure seaweed extract Ascophyllum nodosum. Extract of the highest quality extracted by a cold process able to preserve all the natural stimulating power present in this species of algae.

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Enhances the fruiting stage thanks to its content in high assimilation potassium and nitrogen.

Formulation of high concentration of boron in liquid state, to correct deficiencies of said micronutrient in the plant.


Maximum biostimulant power through Ascophyllum nodosum and specific amino acids able to maintain an optimal metabolic state and stimulate any stage of the crop.


Herofol Denso Phosphated is a high phosphorus concentration NPK fertilizer which presents an optimal balance to complement the crop nutrition in stages of flowering and fruit set. It incorporates a specific activator XR47, which promotes photosynthetic capacity of the plant and improves the flowering and effective fertilization of the flowers.

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