
  • Mengandungi kalium humate, kalium humate adalah jenis kalium organik, diserap 3 kalilebih tinggi daripada Kalium biasa dan sangat berkesan
  • Meningkatkan kecekapan penyerapan nutrien NPK sebanyak 20%
  • Kalium asid alginik menguatkan sistem pengakran pokok agar tanaman menjadi lebih sihat.

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  • Bacillus Subtilis - Adjust and nourish soil and increase efficiency
  • Bacillus licheniformis - Antibacterial and disease resistant
  • Bacillus jelly - Preserve fertilizer
  • Adjust the soil
  • Disease prevention
  • No need crop rotation, can keep planting on the same spot
  • Improve

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  • Precise, fast and predictable nitrogen supply
  • No acidification to the soil.
  • 100% water-soluble calcium, rapid supplementation of calcium deficiency.
  • Reduce the damage to the fruit and increase the quality of the crop.
  • Enhance crop resistance to disease, drought, reduce crop fruit cracking.
  • Promote root development.

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  • Setiap butiran baja mengandungi Nitrogen, Fosorus & Kalium yang seimbang, dan penyerapan nutrien yang seimbang dapat membantu pertumbuhan kelapa sawit.
  • Tinggi K untuk menggalakkan pemebesaran dan memberatkan buah.
  • Ditambah unsur Magnesium untuk pertumbuhan kelapa sawit, menggalakkan fotosintesis da meningkatkan hasil.

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  • Mengandungi nitrogen, fosforus dan kalium, membantu pertumbuhan tanaman dan menyerap nutrien dengan lebih mudah.

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  • Contains N, P and K nutrient, helps your trees to grow faster and healthier by providing balanced nutrient
  • Contains water soluble P, fast dissolve.

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  • Each granular contains balance nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which helps oil palm tree to grow
  • Contains water soluble P, fast dissolve and effective
  • Contains 3% of Magnesium and other Trace

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Features :

  • The unique formula for fertilizer in Malaysia 
  • High contents of Phosphate and Potash boost flowering process, increased pollinating chances

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  • Setiap granular mengandungi nutrien seragam, cepat larut dan ditambah dengan unsur surih.
  • Bitrat -N ≥ 7%: Nitrat -N bertindak balas dengan cepat dan mudah diserap oleh tanaman.
  • Kalium sulfat larut air: Kalium larut air berkualiti tinggi.
  • Meningkatkan kualiti tanaman, bentuk buah, warna yang lebih baik, kandungan gula yang tinggi.

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  • Contains potassium humate, potassium humate is kind of organic potassium, absorbed 3 times higher than normal potassium, highly effective. Organic potassium contributes to the rapid growth  of plants and improves good fruit quality.
  • Can improve the efficiency of NPK nutrient uptake.
  • Promote beneficial bacteria growth and reproduction.

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  • Menara Granulasi :Zarah halus, nutrien seragam dan seimbang, cepat larut
  • Kandungan nitrat tinggi: Nitrogen Nitrat bertindak pantas, cepat diserap oleh tanaman, meningkatkan kematangan tanaman
  • Mengandungi SOP, meningkatkan kualiti hasil tanaman
Specification Nitrogen (N) 16% Nitrate

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